What I Learned about Life…… from Death

Nov 13, 2020

This week marked 6 years since we received the tragic news of the plane crash in which 9 beautiful people died, including Dr. Myles Munroe and his wife Mrs. Ruth Munroe.  I was in complete shock when I heard this saddening news.  I had just received an encouraging e-mail from Dr. Myles 2 days prior about my book which he wrote the foreword to just days before his passing.   He began with the words, “My dear daughter.”  I could have stopped reading at that point because those words alone meant so much to me.  This demonstrated his fathering nature and care for promoting the next generation.  Dr. Myles practiced what he preached. Even more chilling was the fact that I had emailed him the morning of the plane crash.  I shed many tears between the week of his passing, but the death of Dr. Myles Munroe has also made me reflect on what I can learn from such a challenging situation. Pain is often the catalyst that pushes us to become better people. I want to share with you just a few of my personal lessons that I learned from this great man being transitioned to glory.

1. Purpose should be fulfilled every day of life, even on your last day.

Dr. Myles Munroe not only taught us the power of living a purpose filled life, but he is an excellent example of the importance of doing this, even up to death.  He died while on his way to a global leadership conference in Grand Bahama.  Dr. Myles was determined to finish strong.  The Apostle Paul said in Acts 21:13b,” For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jeruslam for the name of the Lord Jesus.” 

This made me think, “Tamalia, what or who are you willing to die for? How much does your purpose mean to you?” Friends, we do not have time to waste. If we spend one day without doing something related to fulfilling our God given purpose, perhaps we have wasted an entire day!

2.Sometimes we may not understand the complete answer to “Why” right then…and that’s OK.

The night I found out about the plane crash that took the lives of 9 amazing people, all fulfilling tremendous purposes here on earth, the only question I could ask with tears streaming down my face was “Why?”  Have you ever asked God ‘why?” I had (and still do have) a lot of questions unanswered.  However, I have found rest in knowing that God is Sovereign and my finite mind cannot always understand His plans or His ways.  My job is to trust Him despite experiencing pain.  You may be hurting because of the deaths of these fine people or perhaps you are asking God why that relationship ended, why you lost your job, why your loved one got cancer, why your house is in foreclosure.  

I have asked God, “Why did they have to die and why that way?  Why did Dr. Myles die just weeks before I would officially present him a copy of my book?  “Why would my first book have the last published words of such a great man?

3. Always tell people how you feel about them.

I know this may sound cliche and perhaps a bit sappy, but please tell the people in your life how you feel about them.  Call someone, text them, or send them an email sharing your love and appreciation toward them.  I’m glad that I was able to e-mail Dr. Myles my heartfelt appreciation to him for doing such a remarkable foreword for my book.  However, I’m even more grateful that I thanked him on behalf of all Bahamians for the trail he has blazed for us. Let’s vow not to take the people in our lives for granted. You never know if it will be the last time that you would have an opportunity to tell them your appreciations.

4. Continue to give to others. 

Even right up to his death, Dr. Myles gave.  He has deposited into the lives of millions of people around the world.  Nations are blessed because of him.  Dr. Myles preached a word a few years ago at BFM that I reflect on.  He spoke from Matthew 6:33 and talked about how our King takes care of us so we need not worry.  He made us vow that we will never worry again.  There have been times when I began to feel worried about something in my life and I was able to reflect on that word and my verbal promise I made that day not to worry.  That was a gift he gave to me!  Dr. Myles also gave me the gift of his words.  He was extremely busy and traveling for weeks before his passing, yet he made the time to read my book and submit my foreword.  He pushed to turn it in and proved to be a man who honored his word, despite his hectic schedule.  We have no excuse for not giving to others…whether it be an encouraging word or living up to a promise we made. Dr. Myles gave selflessly and we should too.

5.Make an impact on the world, for the kingdom’s sake.

A man who lived in a small island in the Bahamas has people all over the world stating what he taught them and grieving his loss. His reach did not just end in his home country.  His love for God, passion about his purpose, and

Yes, my heart grieves his loss, but my peace is in trusting that God is STILL in control. Oh death, where is thy sting…Oh grave, where is thy victory.  Dr. Myles, you have fought a good fight.  He not only taught us in life, but he taught us in death!