HELP! I’m Tired of Waiting

Nov 9, 2020

As a woman in my 30’s, I became accustomed to being bombarded with questions and unsolicited advice about my singleness. 

“Why are you single?”

 “You must be too picky.”  

“You’re not getting any younger.”

I was so irritated when facing marital pressure and I grew tired of waiting until something shifted inside of me-  the wait became easier.  I believe it is these 3 keys to waiting that helped me and I want to share them with you.   Are you ready?  Here goes….

  1. Wait PATIENTLY.

Yeah, yeah…Who wants to hear that, right?  In a world where we can get things instantly, sometimes we want this to transfer to marriage.  It’s God’s desire that we wait on HIM.  You’re not waiting on that guy to answer your text messages, or for Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet.  Waiting on those things do not give us the strength that we need to endure.  Isaiah 40:31a says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”  Perhaps you are weak in your waiting because you are waiting on a man, not waiting on God.  When we wait on God, our waiting is not in vain.  God promised to give you the desires of your heart.  He’s not a man that He should lie.  He won’t let you down.  Don’t let your WAIT become a WEIGHT! Impatience causes many women to settle for the wrong spouse and end up unhappily married.  Be patient!


What have you been called to do? Get busy!  Instead of wasting time on facebook looking at who is getting engaged, use your time productively.  Write a book, start a business, become  active in your church, volunteer at a non-profit organization.  Focus on your dreams and go after them!  Getting married should not be the only thing you are looking forward to.  There is so much more to life…so LIVE! 


Prayer gives us the peace that we need to sustain us while waiting, but it also gives us direction.  Maybe you are dating someone and wondering if he is right for you.  Have you prayed about it?  Here’s my prayer that I said anytime I was interested in a guy: “Lord, if ____ (insert his name) is not the one for me, peacefully remove him from my life.” It’s been VERY painful when God answered my prayer, but I’m so glad that He did.  He knows what you need better than you do.  You wanted that guy so badly, but you did not know that he has some deep rooted issues that would destroy you in the future.  God reveals things to us when we pray.  Pray while you wait!

We only wait for a season.   At age 32, I married a man who loves God, treats me like a queen and helps me to be better.  I can truly say that it pays to wait PATIENTLY, PURPOSEFULLY AND PRAYERFULLY! Continue to wait on God!